35 New Words You Never Knew You Needed But Now Won't Be Able to Live Without
by N/A, 9 years ago |
4 min read
"Ugh, Lindsey's SUCH an askhole."
Genius Twitter account @words is a goldmine of all the feelings you've wanted defined but never knew how. From hard-to-explain feelings to millennial struggles, Dan Dalton just gave you a whole slew of new vocabulary. Enjoy, logophiles (word lovers)!
1. "Yeah, I've been masturdating lately, it's been great for me."

2. "I'm meeting my Tinder date for coffee this afternoon and I've been having a serious jouska all morning."

3. "Oh man, I'm having major déjabrew, did I really hold your cat up while singing the Circle of Life?"

4. "We all had dinner together but our conversation was mostly anecdoche."

5. "I had exulansis when I was sharing my Peace Corps experience."

6. "The holidays are all about the shemomedjamo."

7. "Carol is SUCH a tidsoptimist."

8. "I'm a cynophile and I'm not afraid to admit it."

9. "My deal breaker? Ailurophiles."

10. "I got back from studying abroad and now I'm stuck with intense fernweh."

11. "My bedgasm on Thursday was SO HEAVENLY."

12. "PLEASE come with me to see Lindsey, she's such an askhole and I don't want to be alone."

13. "Sorry I'm late, I ran into my old neighbor and got stuck in a nonversation for 15 minutes."

14. "Oh that douche? His backpfeifengesicht it asking for it."

Good luck pronouncing this one, folks.
15. "I saw a Bernese Mountain dog puppy and the gigil took over me."

16. "I knew he would try to sell me blinds or something, so I went for the hard irusu."

17. "Just send her a message about it, she's a total textrovert anyway."

18. "I'm still looking for my ikigai."

19. "The textpectation is actually killing me."

20. "She is such a pogonophile, I mean, have you seen the last 3 guys she dated!?"

21. "Drinks? I don't think so, my bra is off and I've perfected my internest."

22. "The date was a dud, he kept telling these terrible jayuses."

23. "Even the voorpret of your birthday weekend is too much for me."

24. "Sarah is such a pistoriophile I got her new baking tins for Christmas. She loved them."

25. "My chairdrobe is getting out of control."

26. "#mondaze"

27. "Want to get drinks? My boregasm is killing me."

28. "Writing has become my only way to meraki."

29. "I'm not buying you any more books until you've tackled that tsundoku."

30. "I went home and saw my brother for maybe an hour, he's become such a hikikomori."

31. "Wait don't take the picture yet, I feel a juggersnot coming on."

32. "I'm doing okay since the break up, I spent a good amount of time antistalking, though."

33. "Screwvenir or it didn't happen."

34. "How's that flirtationship with your coworker going?"

35. "We had the greatest sobremesa after brunch last weekend."

Do not show me this again