Over 24 And Not Engaged? Facebook Has Some Bad News For You
Facebook is a never-ending feed of people who just can't seem to keep anything to themselves, and thankfully some of that information is breaking-newsworthy and we get a real time update of when people get asked the biggest question of the lifetime. Recent research (if you can call it that) from the minds over at Facebook dug into the posting of engagement announcements and found some very interesting correlations between certain holidays and people bragging once more about a "life event."

Anyway, what they were able to find is that after people find someone they can stare longingly into their eyes like this couple, and one of them decides to get down on one knee to pop the question, the most common days this happens (or announced) happens in November and December. Seems like most people plan on having a summer wedding if that's this case, being this gives plenty of time for planning.
The most alarming find in this marital research may strike our single readers out there: the age.

As you can see, in addition to having your feed clogged up with annoying family photos during the holidays and by "happy New Year" posts and by ooey-gooey love posts on Valentine's Day (yes, that's a very clogged feed), you're also potentially being inundated by engagement announcements on these days. Pretty sad to think about the latter if you're one of the aforementioned single 24 or more year-old.
Thanks for yet another reminder your life is better than somebody else's, newly-engaged person!

To answer the latter, "Yes," the Internet does. As the research shows, Facebook explains how this information can be used to tailor ads to brides about certain wedding retail. What this really sounds like is Facebook getting cookies from our real-life and using them against us!
The answer the former question, the answer is probably, "No," but it seems people just can't look away from their phones long enough not to update their status. Hopefully all friends are invited so nobody feels left out.