Who Needs Therapy When This Swear Word Coloring Book For Adults Exists?
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
We told you swearing is a sign of high intelligence, so what better way to celebrate that amazing fact than this fucking awesome SWEAR WORD COLORING BOOK?!
Let your imaginations run wild... and free, at last.
So, you've been told you have a "foul mouth" on the regular. TBH, you can't help it.

But do you ever wish you had an outlet where you could go HAM with your sweary thoughts and emotions?

Well, meet your new BFF/swear partner in crime: the Sweary Colouring Book.

This genius adult coloring book was created by illustrator Sara Bigwood from Chelmsford, England.

She hand-drew 20 of her favorite curse words and put them together in a classy AF spiral-bound notebook.

As you can see, they include some of THE BEST British insults, where swearing is way more classy there.

Just imagine how therapeutic it would be to color the shit out of this, instead of screaming it at someone.

Get your Sweary Colouring Book here!
So. Fucking. Awesome.

Do not show me this again