15 New Year's Resolutions That Will Make You Get Off Your Lazy Butt And Be An Adult
Yeah, I'm looking at you.

Just think of all the calories you'll burn walking up a flight of a stairs! You can do it!

Driving is so much easier, especially when it's cold AF outside, but forcing yourself to walk is doing huge favors for your health.

Because you deserve to eat like a king.

All you have to do is get a clean bowl and spoon, and scoop it out! Simple. Welcome to adulthood.

I know you say you wash your sheets... but do you actually? It's OK! 2016 is your year.

Did you know how FUN vacuuming can be? Yeah, really. Put on some tunes and go nuts! It's actually pretty therapeutic.

Text your friends who you haven't talked to in months and find a time to get together - whether it's for a drink or even just to catch up on Facetime. Make a plan, stick with it and you'll sort of feel like a grown person.

OK, so your closet may not look like Kim Kardashian's but you can still aspire to have #ClosetGoals like this one if you don't throw shit all your floor.

I have faith in you.

Even if you end up hating it, at least you can say you tried it out.

Go crazy! Scrub all those weird crevices in your body and wash your hair even! New year, clean you.

You know what I'm talking about.

A lazy person's way of saying "I love you."

You never really know how fascinating and kickass your grandparents are until you spend time talking to them. Do it while you have the privilege of getting to know them.