18 Things That Always Happen On New Year's Eve
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
FALSE ALARM, it's not midnight yet.
1. Someone will be decked out head to toe in sequins and/or glitter.

It's New Year's Eve, so why not dress like a disco ball, amirite?!
2. Someone drunkenly repeating that 2016 will be the BEST. YEAR. EVER.

2015 sucked, but next year will be so much better.
3. Someone gets emotional about all the good times they had in 2015.

Remember all the times we'd drunkenly go to Taco Bell and eat our feelings? Good thing Taco Bell will still exist in 2016!
4. Someone whining that there's still so many hours/minutes/seconds to midnight.

*Gets another drink*
6. Someone shouting it's midnight half an hour early.

Way to let down EVERYONE.
5. Someone texting their friends in a different time zone.

That one person that has all their fancy friends around the globe.
7. The person who claims they're still not drunk after their fifth shot.

News flash - they're probably drunk.
8. Selfies, selfies and more selfies!

Gotta capture all the last memories of 2015!
9. People rushing to the bar at 11:45 to get their last drink before midnight.

Things get messy.
10. The person that reminds everyone the countdown is starting...

11. That person looking around for someone to kiss.

I will not be kissing my cat tonight, dammit.
12. People chanting the 10-second countdown, and going HAM when its midnight.

13. The person that hugs everyone at midnight like it's some huge accomplishment that we made it to the New Year.

14. The couple that won't stop making out.

Ugh, get a room.
15. Or, the couple that's super awkward.

Didn't you ever learn the real way to kiss someone?
16. The girl who sees the cute guy they were talking to earlier lip-locked with their girlfriend...

Such a let down.
17. ...so they kiss their BFF instead.

Hey, a New Year's kiss is a New Year's kiss!
18. People get over the New Year excitement within five minutes and resume to drinking.

Do not show me this again