5 Screens That Ruin People's Lives, Because We Can Never Not Stare At Them Endlessly
The sad but true fact is: we're all essentially looking at screens every moment of every day.
Sitting around staring at a television screen is representative of relationships in the fact that, that's what people who are dating do, and people who are single do to not feel the effects of overwhelming loneliness. "Netflix and chill" is an extremely annoying and overplayed saying online, but it's the reality of what modern day dating amounts to: chilling and watching television, not talking and just being generally lazy.

What's so amazing is that so many people can make their living by staring at a computer screen all day, but what is equally amazing is just how little they have to get done, or at the very least, cram it all in in a short amount of time after browsing randomness all day on the Internet. Laptop screens represent everything about earning a living and simultaneously risking getting fired from said profession. Either way: don't look away from that screen!

Well, I take that back, they do serve one purpose: playing time/mind wasteful games like a child, for extended periods of time! Sure, they do have email and texting capabilities, but why on Earth would you ever use those functions when they're available on your laptop and cell phone already? You don't/won't, and that's why you're slowly getting dumber by playing 'Angry Birds' and the like for a sizable portion of the day–mindlessly.

Instead of looking up and seeing the world around you, thanks to the innovation of smartphones, people can bury their face into their phone screen for any moment of the day that hasn't already been consumed by TV, laptop or tablet screen time. If you feel an awkward silence coming on, rather than finding something to talk about with that person, you can just look at your cell phone screen to avoid the weirdness. Cell phones represent never wanting to feel alone for any moment ever.

There's nothing a smartwatch can do that any of your other screens can do. No, seriously! Not even telling you the time is a unique feature, because that's what cell phones are for. Why anybody needs to check any of their various notifications on a smartwatch while simultaneously getting buzzes from their phone and updates on their laptop is beyond me. Smartwatches just prove that the people of today and the future are just going to be walking busy, buzzy-bodies!