A Lion Was About To Make A Meal Of An Injured Fox Until This Took Him By Surprise
Throughout the animal kingdom, there are a multitude of instincts hardwired into each creature - for survival, for their wellbeing. But perhaps one of the most fascinating instincts of all is a mother's instinct to protect her young.
When this lioness saw a young, defenseless cub in danger, her maternal instincts kicked in - only it wasn't her cub...even more, it wasn't even a lion.

He is leader of the Sunday Pan pride, residing with the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana, Africa.

Such an effort of protection from any lioness is unsurprising when it comes to their own young - but a creature of an entirely different species, who normally serves as prey? Absolutely unheard of.

But this only enraged her more. Immediately, she lashed out and attacked the pride leader, her motherly instincts clearly operating at their fullest.

Even if they're not her own.