Taylor Swift Still Won't Pay This Artist For Her Work That She Stole And Now She's Pissed
Now we got bad blood...er, more of it anyway.

The lyrics next to the fox were from the single, and they read, "They are the hunters we are the foxes and we run..."
Okay, pretty sensible, pretty harmless. Right? Wrong.

As you can see in the comments, Burguieres kindly calls out Swift and her team for the blunder, providing links to her galleries and personal website, both of which feature her iconic fox design.
But not to worry. Someone like Taylor, who's served as such a heavy advocate for independent artists over the years, will surely make this right...right?

That she donate all the money to "a charity of her choice." Woah woah woah, I'm sorry...DAFUQ DID YOU JUST SAY???
Real classy Team Tay. Real Classy.
Let's just say she was a hell of a lot more gracious than most of us would've been.
Dear Taylor and shitty social media team, this is what artistic professionalism looks like.

Looks like someone's in trouble, trouble, trouble. Shame on you now, Taylor.
Fix this, before you're lying on the cold hard ground...again.