These 10 Dreams Are Actually Trying To Tell You Something Very Important
Many of us tend to ignore what our dreams are telling us - but dreams are very revealing about ourselves and our subconscious minds. From flying to teeth falling out, dream psychologists Lauri Loewenberg, Ian Wallace, Russell Grant and Lauren Lawrence have decoded the most common dreams.

Falling is a dream symbol relating to anxiety about letting go or losing control of something. Loewenberg calls this dream a "red flag from your subconscious" and believes it typically happens when people are having a life problem with work or in a relationship.

Dreaming of your teeth falling out has long been debated by experts. According to Wallace, it's a symbol of a loss of confidence in the dreamer's life, while Grant believes teeth represent a broken relationship. Other experts like Lawrence believe it to be a Freudian dream, with women wishing to become pregnant, while men are subconsciously craving sexual stimulation.

This common anxiety dream represents vulnerability. Wallace found that this dream typically happens to those have have accepted a promotion, started a new job or are in a transition phase in their life where they are coming into public view.

Test-taking dreams are very common with perfectionists, as a subconscious reminder to stay alert. Adults that have these dreams are subconsciously drawing parallels between school and a job, as both places can be stress-filled environments.

Death in a dream is typically the opposite of what people think. Experts agree dreams that feature death are a symbol of a fresh start or a chapter closing in someone's life as they make room for new beginnings. It can also symbolize a wish to end something in life, whether it's a relationship or a job.

While being chased in a dream may feel like a nightmare, Wallace considers it a positive omen. It encourages the dreamer to face a problem that has been on the back of their minds that they may have been putting off. This dream is believed to be more common in women than men.

Don't worry, just because you're dreaming of your partner cheating, doesn't mean they actually are. This dream typically occurs when you believe your partner has been spending a lot of time and attention on something that doesn't involve you. It can also symbolize a lack of trust in your relationship.

This common stress dream means you're overwhelmed with something. It's also a warning sign that you might have taken on more responsibility than you can handle in your waking life.

Flying is a symbol that you need to let go of something and let things "fall naturally into place," according to Wallace. It could also mean there's an out-of-control situation in your life that's bogging you down and want to be free from.

Pregnancy in a dream is representative of a new idea taking form in your life. It's a positive symbol of personal growth and development, even though it can be stress-inducing for many women. Or, as Lawrence believes, it could be taken literally if you are trying to get pregnant.