Guy Trolls A Racist On Facebook And It's Hilarious
Sometimes trolling is too easy, especially when there's a serious mismatch in the wits department. Example A: these two guys.

Why they ever became friends in the first place, I've no idea.

People have been suggesting that the thread is actually fake, and it might be. But it's really hard to tell, and that means that Brendan's "beliefs" aren't that far from what a lot of Facebook users think/post. We all know a Brendan or two. And that's terrifying.

Brendan pretty much represents all of regressive America.

"feudalistic ideologies" is right.

Avengers, on the other hand–I'd give that 16 thumbs out of 27.

But of course, we all know you can't live without sound. That's why there aren't any deaf people. Oh wait...

New favorite insult: "loony-biscuit."

You're not fighting the good fight, Brendan. You're just terrible.