5 iPhone Apps Guaranteed To Keep You From Having To Actually Do Anything Worthwhile
New Year's resolutions are a yearly tradition where people set out to make a newly rejuvenated, well, somewhat-improved or at the very least slightly altered-version of their former selves. If the the latter is what you're striving for this year, the perfect resolution for you just might be to try out a bunch of new iPhone apps and just avoid living your life what-so-ever, and instead pretend your life lies within the realm of your cellular device. Because IRL, there's no need to live real life.

Do you have anywhere from 250 to 2,500 photos of sunsets, what you ate for lunch one day, selfies, etc. stored in your phone for absolutely no reason at all? Well, if that's you, you're in luck, because 'Icream' by I Love IceCream Ltd. has a unique algorithm for organization your plethora of pictures into one easy-to-navigate app, all the while clearing up precious space in your iPhone storage. That's an absolutely essentially tool to have on your person at all times.

'Overcast' sends recommendations from real people via different sources, which is a cyclical way of reminding you that there is nothing worth hearing in the real people/places in your life. Commuting on public transportation and don't want any real human interaction? Pop on a podcast from 'Overcast.' Out hiking in nature, but bored by the sounds of birds chirping? You know what to do. Check 'Overcast,' but not for weather information, rather for a podcast.

What was your past year filled with? Selfies that are meant to make everyone look at your face and nothing but your face? Want to do as much or more than that well into next year? Instead of relying on your front facing camera capabilities, download the 'Selfie Camera' app instead! Now, this app is meant to be used with a selfie stick, so there's no limit to the activity that is taking selfies of using the word that so perfectly describes what it is: selfish.

Graphic design classes, messing around with camera and paints are a great way to learn about color blends, those which compliment each other and what it takes to understand some basic principles of art. But, you know what that requires? Effort. Enter: 'Snap Palette,' the app that tells you what color HEX (i.e. palette) you're looking at when you snap a photo. How convenient and a saver of time is that? There's no brain power required and you can pretend to be an artist IRL, but on your phone.

You know how when you just don't want to pay attention to your real life, so you bury yourself in your phone and endlessly go through stuff from whatever outlet you can, just to avoid interacting with any real sense of being? Isn't it annoying how you just want to distract yourself from all that, but then something distracts you from said distraction? Well, distracted from distractions no more, thanks to 'Ad Blocker' from Photo Master Labs! Avoid life at lightning speed with no buffer time.