Even The Worst Gift Wrapper Can Succeed With These 16 Wrapping Ideas
So you've spent hours scouring stores (well, online stores) for the perfect gift for everyone on your list. But now comes the truly hard part, wrapping them. For all the people out there who don't have the patience to make gifts look like masterpieces, try one of these techniques ranging from vaguely acceptable to major cop-out.

You can fit anything into a bag. And there are some pretty cute ones out there these days.

Everything looks cuter in a mason jar. Tie a ribbon around the top, maybe add some tissue paper, and you're set!

Easy to use, AND can be reused over and over for years of easy gift wrapping to come!
The key is starting with your gift as the long side of a triangle across one corner of the wrapping paper, then you can fold corners in easily for perfect, and quick wrapping!

You know, "brown paper packages tied up with string."

It's simple, you can choose any pattern, and then your wrapping doubles as an eco-friendly gift!

Bonus: the recipient will look like a playful cat when unwrapping it.

This site offers patterns to print yourself on cardstock and fold into these unique boxes and bags, no wrapping necessary!

Not only is it festive for the holiday season, it can also be used as decoration later!

This technique works especially well for odd, cylindrical items.

These are particularly great for cookies and other food-based gifts.

Upcycling at it's best!

Wrap your gift poorly and be proud of it. At least they're getting a gift, after all!

Yep, anything. Just slap a bow right on the outside of the box for a festive touch.

Yes, this is a viable option if you're that hopeless. Online shops will also offer gift wrap and you can customize the note before shipping.

(Hopefully you're also not cheating on your wife like stupid scumbag Alan Rickman.)