29 Delicious Ways To Spike Your Hot Chocolate
Hot chocolate is arguably the best part of the holiday season. Sure, there's no reason we can't have hot chocolate every day of our lives, but it's much more festive and alcohol-acceptable when it's cold outside. So cuddle up with your adult hot chocolate and enjoy the cozy deliciousness of alcoholic holiday cheer.

The deliciousness of this vanilla whipped cream almost rivals that of the Bourbon-infused hot chocolate.

Take a summer frozen favorite fireside with this delicious warm version.

Pour this campfire classic into a mug and add some (alcoholic) fun. Perfect for reminiscing on all those summer camp days.

There is no better way to use Cinnamon Roll vodka.

Chocolate dipped fruit, plus rum. It's so good you'll soon be asking why all the rum's gone.

Chocolate and Kahlua, the best couple of the holiday season.

I can't even describe how delicious this hot chocolate looks. Drink up.

For those of you who just can't transition from the PSL, try this chocolatey version, and add some bourbon to help the healing.

You enjoy wine and chocolate, but now you can combine them together into the best drink of all time.

The salted caramel mocha is THE best holiday beverage at Starbucks and the only way it can be better is by adding Baileys. Check. Done. Drunk.

This version is not for the faint of heart, upgrade your Baileys to some Bourbon for this delicious hot chocolate rendition.

Step up the peppermint mocha game by giving it a boozy twist.

Top this delicious hot chocolate with another holiday classic, spiked eggnog (because who drinks eggnog without the booze?).

Of course, the list wouldn't be complete without adding a Rum Chata take on hot chocolate, even the name is too good to pass up!

I'm dreaming of this white hot chocolate.

Celebrate your birthday any day with this boozy birthday cake hot chocolate.

No chocolate in the house? 1- HOW? 2- Wait, no worries! This hot chocolate uses our favorite dessert-disguised sandwich spread, Nutella.

This vanilla-vodka-infused hot chocolate also features delicious Baileys marshmallows to give your treat a boozy topping.

The manliest hot chocolate of the bunch, and no, that phrase isn't uttered often.

This deliciously dark hot chocolate is perfect served with holiday cookies.

This toasty hot chocolate will make your Swiss Miss packet look downright depressing.

This festive red hot chocolate is the perfect boozy beverage for all your holiday sleigh rides.

Get ready for the heat with this spicy recipe.

Nothing like a chocolatey, boozy way to get in your fruit!

This fiery hot chocolate is sure to warm you up.

This hot chocolate has beer in it. Enough said.

Nothing like a little alcoholic almond flavor to booze up your hot chocolate!

Your grandmother's butterscotch candies have nothing on this fabulous hot chocolate.

Your favorite party drink turned fireside beverage. Enjoy.