10 Inspirational Celeb Quotes To Help You Start Fresh In The New Year
The new year is right around the corner - and with the new year comes a fresh start. Whether you're preparing to make a major life decision, start a new project or just need a boost of inspiration to keep being your fabulous self, here are 10 inspiring quotes from celebs that will put you in a great mindset to kick off 2016.

Humans are genetically programmed to fear the unknown - but taking a risk opens new doors and allows us to live our best lives. Whether you're considering moving to a new city or quitting your job to focus on your business, take a shot in the dark and try something bold! You might be surprised by how much you love something. Or, perhaps things don't work out. At least you can say you tried.

If your gym membership is breaking the bank or you're just looking for extra ways to get a small workout in, take it from the pro that is Ariana Grande!

Only surround yourself with positive people. Those who drag you down and point out your insecurities aren't doing you any good. Having a strong support system is one of the greatest things you can have in life. If you're not hanging out with people who bring you joy, now is the time to start looking for people that genuinely make you happy. And dump your negative friends while you're at it.

Britney Spears knows best. If you're worried about people judging you for taking another slice of pizza or for spontaneously quitting your job, just think - do their opinions really matter anyway? Live your life for yourself and not for anyone else!

A lot of times, negative people are fishing to get a negative reaction out of you. The best thing you can do in that situation is just genuinely smile. It will piss them off so much, and you're doing absolutely nothing wrong by smiling.

When shitty things happen, a lot of us wonder why all this horrible stuff is happening to them. Blame it on bad luck, karma or whatever, but the truth is, bad stuff doesn't have to happen to you - it's all about how you deal with it. Start taking this fresh outlook from Miley Cyrus and just bring it instead of whining about everything going wrong.

Be who you are! When you're being your genuine self, people will want to know you and become your friend. Don't try and put up a front just to fit in or be cool. Start embracing your quirks, because it makes you an individual. Remember - normal is boring.

Bye haters! They're probably just jealous of you anyway.

Dealing with people is a natural part of life, but just know that no one can define your self-worth. You're not defined by your job or your relationship. A lot of times we become consumed in things that we forget we are an individual. And that is enough.

The heart wants what it wants - you can't always control that. So do what makes you happy and never look back. You don't owe an explanation to anyone.