6 Iconic Christmas Movie Classics You Need To Watch This Holiday Season
It's the most wonderful time of the year. Make the most of it - spend some time with the family watching these cinematic gems.

"Keep the change...ya filthy animal." An indelible classic, it's a challenge just to wait until December to watch it. From the incredible booby traps, to Joe Pesci trying his best not to drop an f-bomb, it's no mystery why we all love it.

The whole thing is pretty much Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera-Ellen serenading everyone with blissful Christmas songs - along with a few of their own originals - and there's nothing you'd want to change about it. It's pure musical, holiday nostalgia, and it's absolutely perfect.

"Bah humbug," may be more well known than the story itself, but those who have heard - or in this case, seen the story, have been inevitably impacted by it.
With multiple movie adaptations, the most recent being by Disney, there's no disagreement on why A Christmas Carol is so touching. If Scrooge can change, anyone can.

Another instant classic, A Christmas Story follows the story of 9-year-old Ralphie Parker, who wants nothing else for Christmas than a Red Rider BB Gun. Set in the 1940s, he also navigates through bully problems, hilarious familial disfunction, and everyone telling him how horrible of an idea a BB gun is.
Watch it this holiday season if you haven't already - you won't regret it. Just don't shoot your eye out, kid.

Adapted from the Chris Van Allsburg book, The Polar Express follows a young boy's unexpected journey to the North Pole, and the doubts he has about what he's grown up believing about Christmas - namely, Santa being real.
Like the book, it's rich with Christmas tradition and lore - so much so, it almost makes you wish you still believed in Santa.

Perhaps the most iconic, timeless Christmas movie ever made, It's a Wonderful Life is a touching memoir of a good man soured by misfortune. The movie follows 'George Bailey' through his trial-filled life, until eventually, he reaches his wits end. After being visited by an unexpected guest, everything changes for George - at first for the worse, then for the better.
If ever there were a movie that would make you happy with the life you have, it's this. Because after all, it is a wonderful life.