5 Nice Guy Gestures That Are Actually Total Turn-Offs
Because when it comes to winning a girl over, there's a big difference between being sweet and being a total tommy try-hard.
1. Asking a girl how she's doing, what she's up to, and just generally texting way too much

We all respond differently to the excitement of finding someone we like, but for some guys, their excitement can be the very thing that keeps it from turning into something. How? Too much texting (TMT, duh).
The questions, the check-ins, the emojis...THE EMOJIS - it all needs to be WAY toned down. If you don't, you just end up sounding way too much like your mom (no offense, mom).
2. Asking far too many considerate questions

"Did you have a good day?...How are you feeling?...Are you feeling okay?...Was the food too spicy?...Do you want me to go to my car and get you an Alka-Seltzer?"
Most guys aren't this bad, but you get the point. Asking questions and being genuinely interested in a girl's day-to-day is good. Bombarding her nonstop on the other hand, not so much.
3. Compliments, compliments and more compliments

There's an economics concept called "diminishing marginal utility." Ever heard of it? Probably not.
Essentially it states - and I'm paraphrasing here - that the more you have of something, the less valuable it becomes to you. It applies to anything really; money, possessions, vacations, and yeah, even compliments. So sure, tell her she looks nice - just not every five damn seconds.
4. Over-the-top chivalry

Chivalry may be dead, but that doesn't mean you need to force it back to life single-handedly. It's one thing to hold the door open, it's another thing to scamper nervously to every opportunity.
Being chivalrous in moderation, like any kind gesture, is endearing to most women. But making it your civic duty to ensure she never has to take off her own coat is a little too much. Again, moderation.
5. Being incapable of making decisions

"I don't know, I'll go wherever you want to go," is not what women want to hear when they ask you where you're taking them for your date. In fact, it's probably the last thing.
This may sound plain to some, but being courteous does not mean you have to be indifferent or pander to a lapreferences. It's not a revelational concept - being decisive and having a plan isn't uncourteous, it's attractive.
So nice guys, don't stop being kind...just don't kill her with it.