Garlic May Give You Breath That Could Kill, But It Gives You Body Odor That's to Die For
While you shouldn't ever expect to have a steamy make-out session after eating garlic (well, it will be steamy, but because of hot breath if you decide to proceed), you should know that garlic can make your body smell sexier. Weird: it has inverse effects on your breath and your arm pits, but new research from Charles University in Prague and the University of Stirling in the UK points to this being the fact of the matter.

The results are over on Appetite stating:
"…the odour of donors after an increased garlic dosage was assessed as significantly more pleasant, attractive and less intense (study 2), and more attractive and less intense in study."

That conclusion could be what makes it such a powerful deodorant, for your arm pits–not your breath, as a reminder. Basically, fellas, just up the garlic to up your dating game, but avoid the garlic when actually on a date.
However, once again we must remind you, eating this much garlic to smell attractive will get you the same reaction Brian Fantana got, but in terms of your breath.