4 Times It's Impossible To Know What Time It Actually Is
Time: it's been said to be on our side. It's also been said there's never enough of it in a day. Seemingly, it just depends on what you've got going that determines your outlook on time. Whichever polar end of the time spectrum you find yourself falling, there is one thing for sure–there will be moments you don't have a clue what time it is at all. Whether you've got plenty of it, are wishing it would go by faster or begging for more of it, you can easily lose track of just how much there is.
Of course you can't remember what time it is, because you were asleep, but this case is much more frightening, because you told yourself you were only going to rest your eyes. Now, with a jolt upwards, a catching of your breath and–for some reason–sweat under your arms, you've just awoken from what seems to have been a full night's sleep. How long were you out? Did you miss something? Where are you right now? What's happening? WHAT TIME IS IT?! These questions need to be answered immediately.
The two hardest times of the day to get to work are: arriving in the morning and arriving after lunch. The latter is more confusing on your internal clock, because it's the afternoon and you've already gotten so much done, so it'll feel like the day is coming to a close. You'll start to plug away only to glance at the clock and realize you've only been back from lunch for 15 minutes. The day will never end in a cycle of, as an unnamed narrator might say, "everything is a copy of a copy."
Well, that's an odd scenario (for someone to listen to this on repeat), but don't think it couldn't happen. They (Chicago) just keep yammering on about wanting to know what time it, and lo and behold you don't have an answer. Does anybody really care, though? Meaning, do you care what time it is? It's hard to say, considering you're just letting this cyclical song cycle through your cerebrum constantly like clockwork–although, the clockwork has no indication of what time it is. SORRY.
The hardest time of any day to know what time it is, is any moment right after you've just checked to see the time. You may have just looked at your watch, cell phone or a clock on the wall, but somehow the time slipped your mind. You double-take back: "Wait, what time was it?" Then realize you had no idea what time it was at all. Why is that? You just checked to see the time, but immediately forgot. Could it be the concept of time is trite? Depends: did this article take up too much of yours?