These 6 Hacks Are A Full-Proof Way To Ensure You'll No Longer Be A Hack
The Internet is an endless sludge-pile trying, nay, begging you to make yourself into a better-version of yourself or some product. It also offers up nonstop ways for you to achieve success in either of these endeavors. No need to actually learn something when you can just do it real quick with the assistance of some article on the Internet, right?! RIGHT?! Um, wrong–sort of. What you are about to read is the do-all, end-all list for hacks designed specifically with hacks (lazy people) in mind.

If you actually cared about getting something done, should you really mind about putting in the extra effort to make sure that very thing gets done? Especially if that thing is involved with the fact you are trying to make a better version of yourself?! If you don't "give a sh*t" about whatever the task is at hand, an Internet list of hacks full of self-help tips isn't going to make any difference in the process. Unless of course, that list of hacks in question is this list, which is gold.

If you didn't suck so much–either as a person, or at putting things together, or cooking–you wouldn't need the assistance of a list of hacks to help you out so much. Well, besides this list of hacks which is explaining to you how to suck less and in turn no longer be a hack. Do you see the difference? You suck if you are a hack, and you should stop reading hack lists for assistance, except first finish this one, because it may actually hack you out of your hackiness.

If you no longer want to be a hack, you need to actually start putting the information needed into your brain. Hacks on the Internet may help you find that quick solution, but will only lead you further down the path of being a hack yourself. The simple hack in avoiding that solemn slide into stupidity is to just not do that, and rather learn something. WHOA: that might be happening right about now!

You can become a professional at anything you want to be really, but actually have professional level quality you can't slack off. As Urban Dictionary puts it, if you're a hack you're "a person who is a professional at doing some sort of service, but does crappy work." Don't go into work and just get by, because that's a hack move. And, most importantly, don't learn anything about your craft from a hack reference check-list on the Internet (again, except this one).

The answer to that question is pretty simple: because you're a hack. Once you come to that realization, you'll understand that no longer being a hack means people may start to like you. In fact, that's the one hack that hacks should follow: "Don't be a hack." There's no hack list on the Internet that's going to give you that good of life advice for such an easy fix besides this hack list–aimed at hacks (although, we can safely assume any hacks were too lazy to have read this far anyhow).

That's it. That's the answer. Quit using hacks, and you'll no longer be a hack. We referenced it time and again throughout this hack list (that you should use, and ignore all others), because it's the most obvious. Only hacks use hacks, so if you don't use hacks you won't be a hack, therefore nulling the effects hacks would otherwise have on your hacky brain. Does your head hurt at this point? Probably because you've finally learned something for once, you hack.