Most Of These 18 Punny Book Tweets Will Cause More Groaning Than Laughing
by N/A, 10 years ago |
5 min read
Because to book nerds like us, there's nothing funnier than a grade-A literary joke. Enjoy.
1. He was a pretty ruthless guy.
2. If only I could sigh like that. *sighs*
3. Mmm, that smell.
4. What, you think book club can't be badass?
5. Walked right into that one.
6. Divergent 8: Purgin'.
7. ...And then everyone died.
8. Yeah, which is it? Getting real sick of your emotionally stimulating, brilliantly-written twists and turns, Dickens.
9. Heard it got 4.7 stars on GoodReads.
10. You're a standup guy, Mark.
11. "Sorry, I'm not so great with social skills. I'm more into reading than human contact LOL."
12. "Oh, what did you mean then?"
13. The followup, "Goodnight Small Pile of Lint I Found in My Pocket" was pretty good though.
14. A dark comedy without the comedy? I like it!
15. "The Fast and the Furious" logic is best logic.
16. *Feels intellectually superior to everyone else watching Netflix*
17. "Thus with a kiss I die. LOL."
18. Works best when read in a British accent, I believe.
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