5 Internet Pages And Accounts That Nobody Should Ever Need To Visit Or Follow, But Do
The Internet is a never-ending source of information, and conversely, a never-ending source of utter horse manure. You literally could spend the rest of your life–without stopping–clicking and clicking and clicking. Everything is linked to something else somewhere else by someone else. With infinite options it seems a person should be more choosey as to what they spend time clicking, since clicking everything is a bit cumbersome. If you follow, here's a few things you shouldn't waste a click on.
You shouldn't be allowed to use Wikipedia anymore. That's like looking up the definition of "dictionary" in a dictionary. If you need Wikipedia to explain to you what Wikipedia is, you should really be reevaluating the meaning of your own life instead of evaluating the meaning of Wikipedia. In fact, if you click on this page, there should be a pop-up that flashes the message:
"Hey dumb-dumb: you're on Wikipedia, so surely you understand what it is already, right?! No? Please don't edit anything!"
You should have your Facebook profile taken away from you by Facebook. That's right, Facebook should put it in their algorithm that when a person "likes" Facebook's Facebook page, their account is automatically deleted. "Liking" Facebook's Facebook page is a clear sign of an addictive clicking personality disorder (ACPD). 169 million people apparently have ACPD (that's how many "like" Facebook's Facebook). If you have an account, there's no need to "like" Facebook's Facebook page–you already do!
You and 48.4 million other people need to get a grip. What could you possibly learn by following Twitter on Twitter that you couldn't have learned just by being on Twitter? Sure, they may tweet an announcement about new Twitter features rolling out, but just by being on Twitter you'll see these things in real time. There's nothing to be gained by following Twitter on Twitter other than stacking your following number way higher than your followers count–which also makes you a lame Twitter user!
You, me (I took this screenshot) and 118 million other people have apparently given up hope on seeing quality photos from friends, acquaintances and whatever famous people we follow. Are the photos of brunch, selfies and sunsets from our moronic list of who we're following becoming so cumbersome we must rely on the professionals behind Instagram to actually share a photo worth looking at? If that's the case, should we maybe just get off Instagram altogether? YES! That rant had #NoFilter.
You should refer back to the dumb-dumbs who visit Wikipedia's Wikipedia page, but amplify your dumb-dumbness by a million. If you have the wherewithal to understand how to Google something (idiotically in this case, Google) then you shouldn't need an answer as to what Google is. You apparently understand what Google is if you can in fact "Google" Google! Instead you should Google:
"How dumb am I if I 'Google' Google?"
…and about 9.7 billion results in 0.45 seconds should read: