One Bald Eagle In Need Of Assistance Ended Up In The Best Selfie Of The Year
"Oh, grab your phone. We should take a selfie."

After moving closer, they discovered that it was indeed something they'd never seen up close - a bald eagle. And it was in need of some help - it's talons had been snared by a trap, leaving it unable to escape.
“The bird was pretty calm,” Fletcher told BuzzFeed Canada. “It was probably tired from trying to fight the trap.”

Finally, after a few minutes of jimmying, the two were able to untie the regal bird. And fortunately, Michael caught it all on film.
Then, just as they were about to release it, Michael's brother Neil had an idea. “He’s like, ‘Oh grab your phone. We should take a selfie.’”

According to the feedback the two have received, it's the end-all-be-all of selfies. “Everybody thinks it’s like the selfie of the year,” Fletcher said.
On a side note, the picture also further proves that only a Canadian could remain comfortable in 20-degree weather without his coat.

Fletcher went on to remark on how mesmerizing the bird was - especially its eyes. “There’s something about them,” he said. “And the size of it — the bird is huge.”
The bird is inarguably huge, but so is our round of applause for these two altruistic Canadians, eh. Bravo gents, bravo.