15 Home Remedies That Include Items You Already Have At Home
Instead of loading up on prescriptions, give these home remedies a try when you're sick.

Just dab it onto the affected area to clear it up.

Grind up a few sticks and combine them with petroleum jelly and rub the solution on any rough patches.

Pour a tablespoon of the solution into the infected ear, then drain it back out to prevent bacteria growth.

Just let it rest between your teeth, but don't bite down. This will help reduce the chance of creating more tension in your head, neck and jaw area.

Over-steep the tea and then apply the leaves to the affected area.

It will help to fight inflammation and make you feel better in no time!

Gargling plain water can help to keep you healthy when you feel a cold coming on.

Yogurt cultures help to fight bacteria which cause bad breath.

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda into eight ounces of water and drink it to introduce more alkaline into the body.

A tight seal will help to suffocate them.