The 10 Ways To Use Dryer Sheets That Will Change Your Life
They're not just for the laundry anymore.
Throw a new dryer sheet in your vacuum bag and spread that just washed smell throughout the house.
Easily remove finger smudges and water stains from handles and faucets with a used dryer sheet.
Don't feel like scrubbing your dishes for 3.2 hours? Throw a new dryer sheet into the dish with some hot water for a few hours and watch the crusty mess wipe away easily.
Tuck a new dryer sheet in your drawers and bins of clothes to keep them smelling fabulous between washes.
Everyone with a rented apartment or home knows the horror of trying to dust these bad boys effectively. Just roll them completely closed and run a new dryer sheet along them to pick up all the hard-to-reach dust.
Instead of scrubbing with the squeegee at the gas station, try a fresh-smelling dryer sheet after spraying warm water or a mild soapy solution to scrub them right off your windshield, car, grill, bike, or any other place bugs have splattered.
So you changed your shirt four times before deciding on the perfect outfit, but now you have unsightly deodorant lines all over! Just rub them out with a used dryer sheet to remove them and for a bonus fresh smell.
That's right, if you're having a particularly dry and static-filled day, run a dryer sheet over your tresses to tame them down.
Tuck unused dryer sheets under and between couch cushions to help keep your living area smelling just lovely.
Rub a new dryer sheet along the inside of your winter hat to avoid unsightly static when you take it off.