If You Have Any Of These 17 Gross Habits, You're A Germaphobe's Worst Nightmare
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
'Tis the season for coughs and colds... aka HELL in germaphobe lingo.
1. People who refuse to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
No one wants your germs sprayed all over them.
2. Or, when they cough or sneeze into their HANDS.
The ultimate EW. Do you know how many things your hands touch? If you put your sneeze hands all over things you're basically just creating a grand ol' germ fest.
3. When people tell you they don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom, you might as well just be done with them.
Do they even know how many disgusting bathroom germs they're inviting when they don't at least rinse their hands?
4. You avoid public door handles like the plague.
You don't know who's touched those nasty handles, and you certainly don't know where their hands have been. You've stretched out many shirts trying to open door handles.
5. Whenever you use a public bathroom, you end up giving your glutes and hamstrings a good workout because you refuse to sit on the toilet seat.
You don't do squats for nothing.
6. These give you a major anxiety attack.
Let's all just touch each other's bacteria.
7. When there's a communal bowl of chips and someone touches every. Single. One. before finally picking one.
Just touch every single one with your unwashed germ hands, why don't ya?
8. When you put your cup down at a party and forget which one was yours, the stress is real.
You end up just wasting another cup because your germaphobe heart can't handle the stress of potentially swapping saliva with a rando.
9. When you eat really close to someone and fear they will accidentally spit in your food while they're talking.
10. In fact, birthday candles = spit food.
And on CAKE. What a waste.
11. You can't ever have romantic restaurant dates because you despise the concept of sharing food.
You are very particular about where your fork touches.
12. And whenever anyone asks you for a sip of your drink or a bite of your food you have to shut them down all the time.
13. You avoid water fountains solely because of people like this.
14. You physically can't surround yourself with people who believe in the five-second rule.
I don't care what you say, the 5-second-rule DOESN'T EXIST.
15. Whenever you use public trash cans, this always ends up happening.
16. You often ponder the amount of germs on laptops and phones and think about how often they go uncleaned.
You have many reflective conversations with yourself about this.
17. Aaaand headlines like this that prove we're pretty much DOOMED.
Germaphobes can never win. But we will die trying.