Ladies, You Know You And Your BFF Totally Do These 21 Things When You're Together
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
It's basically like being in a relationship... but with someone you can be flat disgusting and weird AF with.
1. You text each other from the same room.

I mean... why talk to each other when you can just text each other, ya know?!
2. You talk extensively about your bathroom habits.

She knows your poop schedule better than you do.
3. You pig out together and don't give a shit how ratchet you look when you indulge in your late night pizza.

4. If you have gas, you let it out with no shame.

5. You're totally comfortable with examining each other's boobs to make sure they're in fact, normal.

Who else is going to tell you if your inverted nipple is weird?
6. You watch some really weird shit together that only you think is funny.

7. And you listen to your sad girl music together, too.

Sometimes there's tears involved.
8. You listen to the same song over and over and over again.

It speaks to both of your souls.
9. You're always down to split a bottle of wine.

10. You have a whole repertoire of weird voices and accents you do together, that you're convinced you could actually have a comedy show.

No one else knows this side of you.
11. You argue over which "Sex and the City" character you are.

We all have a little Samantha in us.
12. You let your inner freak out which means you can dance as spazzy as you please.

13. You talk in depth about all the pain your uterus is causing you during your period.

And your BFF can relate because your cycles are in sync.
14. Which can sometimes end in crying, or sympathy crying because YOU FEEL FOR EACH OTHER.

15. You burst out in uncontrollable laughter for no reason.

No one understands your weird jokes.
16. You compare how hairy your legs and armpits are to each other's.

You have no shame in copping a feel to compare.
17. You have no problem popping each other's zits or plucking their chin hairs they can't see.

18. You stalk each other's exes on Facebook and make judgey comments.

19. You admit weird shit to each other that would be gross to anyone else.

20. You swap weird sex stories and give each other some pointers.

21. You spoon while wearing your fuzzy pajamas and mouthguard, because at the end of the day you love each other and there's no one you would rather have as your BFF.

Do not show me this again