10 Crazy People At Every Thanksgiving Dinner That Shake Things Up
Which one are you though?

There's always that one family member (usually a cousin) who sits awkwardly at the table and doesn't say a word. You might ask them how their sports team is doing or how school is going, and they'll give you a one-word answer. You know for a fact that they're silently judging everyone and you can't help but wonder what's going on their mind... and what they're thinking about you.

Every family has one of these (probably not Beyonce though, unfortunately). They take full reign of the kitchen and demand on doing everything their way. They have a certain stuffing recipe they've been making for years and will accept no one else's recipes or suggestions. As much as you might try to help them, they have their routine down... even if things go to shit.

The aunt that has to know everything. Do you have a boyfriend? Why don't you have a boyfriend? Oh no, you broke up, what happened?! They try to play it cool, like they're your BFF but deep down you think it's weird AF they're prying so much...

There's always that one person tagging along who's not in the family. Whether it's your cousin's new girlfriend or your brother's college friend who had no Thanksgiving plans, there's always that one rando you feel sorry for, because they have to sit at the dinner table with your crazy family.

They say "pass" on all of the meat dishes and probably brought their own food to eat anyway. When asked questions about their dietary lifestyle, they tend to answer sarcastically because honestly, they're so sick of being asked the same thing over and over again. No, I won't make an exception and eat turkey just this once because it's Thanksgiving.

Ugh, the bragger. They either brag about themselves and all of the "amazing" stuff they did this year, like have a wonderful idea for a novel or get 20 likes on Instagram, or worse, they brag about their kid winning a trophy for showing up to the spelling bee. Equally as thrilling!

It's like they came to Thanksgiving dinner looking for a fight. You can say "the sky is blue" and they would find 50 ways to argue with you. YOU'RE WRONG SO ACCEPT IT. Or just run away.

Whether you're having a much needed catch up sesh with your cousin who you haven't seen in years or are taking your first bite of the sweet potato casserole, they will find a reason to take the worst, most awkward picture of you and upload it to Facebook or Instagram. Yay for being social media popular!

They come to Thanksgiving so excited to eat, and then they talk about the food throughout the whole... entire... meal. How long did you roast the turkey for? What did you use to season the mashed potatoes? They're usually BFFs with the crazy cook.
And finally, they reach a point where they just pass out, and dream of all the delicious food they just ate.

In addition to the person who ate too much, there's the person who drank too much wine/martinis/whatever Thanksgiving cocktails were served. They start off as the life of the party with many witty comebacks, but as the night goes on they get more and more noticeably drunk and start ranting about their sad life.