23 Jokes That Will Make You Believe In The Hilarity Of Puns Once Again
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
U.S.-based artist, Monika (who goes by Arseniic) is the latest to join the pun game with the cute illustrations to match on her blog.
1. Nothing like starting a cliche weather conversation with a punny introduction

2. Magically make your audience laugh with this pun

3. Bonus points for the punny alliteration

4. Animal humor, at its best.

5. For all those Ms. Frizzle fans out there

6. And the out-of-this-world parents

7. This reptilian rebel

8. And his pursuer

9. Get it? Because he's a frog?

10. I'd attend a Catsby party

11. Your mother said not to play with your food, but she didn't mention anything about puns.

12. Aren't you beginning to see the a-peel of puns?!

13. *Groans*

14. For all the talkative taters

15. Too good an opportunity to pass up

16. If only this pun also made a labrador appear...

17. A bit moo-rbid

18. Can you imagine what buffalo college is like?

19. That's one classy cod.

20. Deep commentary on the eventual extinction of the printed word here

21. Hi-oink!

22. This corny concern.

23. Immediately printed on every Hawaiian Valentine's Day card ever

Polite applause rightly earned.

Do not show me this again