15 Tweets From Hypochondriacs That Will Have You Giggling Uncontrollably
by N/A, 10 years ago |
5 min read
"My poor mom sounds so sick. Requested meds. Of course, now I'm convinced she gave me her cold through the phone."
1. When this guy was burdened by the rude awakening that is WebMD...
2. When this girl realized just how deep the roots of her hypochondria went...
3. The moment this woman fully understood her love-hate relationship with "Grey's Anatomy"...
4. The time this seminar actually happened...
5. When this dad actually wanted to be operated on...
6. When this girl just could not be dissuaded of her suspicions...
7. When this girl realized her fatal flaw...
8. When this poor soul realized that Google ground rules might be something she needs...
9. When this woman was at least able to find some humor in the absurdity of her own thoughts...
10. When medicine did not earn this girl's trust...
11. When this woman failed to think through her lunch decisions, and regretted it...
12. When this guy caused an unnecessary amount of panic among his followers...
13. When this woman blamed her hypochondria on everyone else...
14. When this girl was hopefully just kidding...
15. And when this woman decided to share her greatest "words of wisdom" with the world...
Do not show me this again