Are Aliens Watching Us? These Creepy Sights Over Frisco, Texas, Seem To Suggest So
Bizarre things have been happening in Frisco, Texas...

Frisco, Texas, located just north of Dallas, has been the home of an unusually high number of UFO sightings in the last few years. But why have extraterrestrials been so interested in Frisco? Is there something in Frisco they might want? Or do the weather conditions in Frisco just happen to be perfect for UFO sightings? If you don't believe in UFOs, the videos below might just convince you.
It seems like most UFO sightings happen at night–when the darkness of the sky conveniently obscures the UFO in the video. This video, taken during broad daylight, shows what seems to be an alien spacecraft pretty clearly.

Of course, not all UFOs will resemble the way they were portrayed in 1950s sci-fi films. This video clearly shows a pulsating orb hovering high in the night sky.

That's definitely not the moon.
I know, your first instinct is to say it's either an airplane or a radio antenna. Well, it can't be either–the red flashing light isn't standing still, so it can't be an antenna, and it's certainly not moving fast enough to be an airplane.
This certainly isn't an airplane either–the light cuts out for several seconds at a time, and the comes back on. It just hovers there, like it's observing the people on the ground. Creepy.

Kindly, humanity.