This is a Hilarious Story of One Woman's Response to a Date Gone Horribly Wrong
U.K. woman Lauren Crouch turned her dating disaster into something incredible.

“The consistent comment is that I have such terrible luck, and always end up on these really ‘bad dates,’ but I can’t help but disagree,” she wrote on her blog. “All those supposedly bad dates are just the opportunity for a good story, a page in the autobiography, and the more terrible the date, the better the story.”

“I couldn’t possibly go back to the home of someone I’ve literally just met, sorry,” she told BuzzFeed.

“I think when it comes to chemistry, or the elusive spark, it isn’t something you can even describe or put your finger on,” she said. “It just happens [or not], and that’s why it’s not easy finding that person you like enough to commit to.”

“Dating can feel hard at times — it’s difficult to not take things personally and feel down about the whole thing,” she said. “But I’m in no rush. I’m a huge believer in romance and don’t want to become too cynical or man hating."