17 Facebook Posts That Are From the Depths of Civilization
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Not for the easily embarrassed. And trust me, you WILL feel embarrassed for these people.
1. This guy who's way too pretentious for his own good.
2. This guy and his homie who couldn't find a less terrible solution.
That's seriously messed up. Why would you share this?
3. An unfortunate mistake...
5. Oh.
4. Sorry bro...
6. I will literally pay you any amount of money if you just destroy all of them.
Think you're worth $10, huh?
7. Couldn't he at least have scaled the head correctly?
So awkward.
8. This kid should probably get ready to spend about 99% of high school inside a locker.
Poor kid. He just wants to make his classmates' lives more miserable. Is that so much to ask?
9. This person who isn't familiar with The Onion–or the concept of satire in general.
This is hilarious, btw.
10. Someone needs to sit him down and have a little chat, because this is just horrendous.
I have chills of embarrassment.
11. Well, someone had to tell him how "anonymous" works.
Get a new mask already. Guy Fawkes is old hat.
12. Worst friend ever.
Great prank though.
13. Poor Nick.
Now that's some public humiliation.
14. Plz respond...
15. You know what's more confusing? Why you'd be willing to share your stupidity on Facebook.
16. An unfortunate mixup.
17. Thanks, mom.
OMG, too much embarrassment.
Do not show me this again