10 Facts That Will Make You Love Golden Retrievers Even More
There's a lot that you should know about these classic canines.

Goldens are super mild-mannered and obedient.

The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland held a 50th anniversary party. 200 golden retrievers came together for the party and became the largest group of dogs every photographed in one place.

In Istanbul, Golden Retrievers were considered a status of wealth because of their silky, shiny fur.

The town of Idyllwild, California is considered non-incorporated and doesn't have a mayor. The Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends sponsored an election to put a dog or cat in charge, asking for a $1 donation for each vote. A 12-year-old golden retriever named Max was the winner.

Goldens are the fourth most intelligent dog breed.

Since they're so well behaved and easy to train, they're complete naturals on camera. You might remember one super talented dog, Buddy, who played both Air Bud and Comet on Full House.

The name of the golden retriever is pretty self-explanatory. They were bred to retrieve lost objects. They were bred by Dudley Marjoribanks, first Lord Tweedmouth, in Scotland in the 1860s.

Golden retrievers have ruled The White House. President Gerald Ford had one he named Liberty who received lots of fan mail.

Golden retrievers can carry things without locking their jaws or biting down. They're so gentle that they can carry a raw egg without breaking it.