These Perfectly Used 'Frozen' Texts Will Make You Love The Movie Even More
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Will people ever stop finding awesomely creative ways to text their moms?
Tumblr's heart-seoul-soshi takes creative texting to a whole new level, using screenshots from the movie "Frozen."
Because sometimes "Frozen" just says it all.
It's surprisingly relevant in just about any situation.
As a matter of fact, I can't think of a situation where this screenshot isn't a perfect response to a mom question.
Sometimes, mom will play along.
Elsa shows the perfect facial expression for the tone of this text.
This confusion is spot-on.
I felt the same way when reading this tbh.
I don't remember this from the movie... but it still works.
Ain't no badass like Disney badass.
This screenshot really says, "I can't math today."
Because math is scary.
But mom just can't "let it go."
Get it?
For real though, why not?
Too easy.
Just the perfect amount of "ugh, fine mom" without being too sassy.
Excited to confused in mere seconds.
This is awesome.
Get ready mom, totally going to start doing this.
Do not show me this again