These New Emojis From Finland Are What We've All Been Missing In Our Texts
Petra Theman, director for public diplomacy at the foreign ministry, had this to say in regards to the new Finnish emojis:
"The Finland emojis were designed with a tongue-in-cheek approach, but I hope that they will tell the world not only about our special features but also something about our strengths.”
The emojis you should be getting excited about? There's a whole lot slated for December, but for now we've got a sneak peek at a sauna, metal rockers, and, you guessed it, a Nokia phone.

Bruno Leo Ribeiro explains on the Finland promotional website:
"The Sauna. Doesn’t need introducing. Sauna is as Finnish as it gets. Naked."
We're just hoping when this gets released it's not abused by the middle-age, middle-management businessmen trying to set up a steaming session with colleagues to discuss possible business opportunities in a less formal environment. That'd ruin the vibe of what we've got going on here.

Ribeiro explains:
"It is dark in Finland and so is the music. There’s a small headbanger living inside of each Finn." 'The Headbanger,' as it's being called, would seemingly fit right in–in that regard.

Ribeiro explains:
"The Unbreakable. The legendary Nokia 3310 is one of the highest selling mobile phones of all times. The phone was designed in Finland and it is known for its toughness."
Nokia unfortunately could never compete in the smartphone era, but sold its corporation to Microsoft last year. Pretty impressive stuff from a Finnish phone company that was able to tap into the global cell phone market.

A full list of 30 Finnish emojis will be available for download on December 30, and we're can't to see how Finland things get. Okay, we're Finnish(ed).