10 Pictures That Are NSFW At First Glance, Thanks To Your Dirty Mind
by N/A, 9 years ago |
3 min read
Get your mind out of the gutter and stop thinking everything around you is just a chance for a sexual innuendo, because these things most certainly are not. Although, we're sure you see it that waypervs!
1. Calm down, it's Tickle Me Elmo and he has a mustache. It's cute, not for your sexually charged mind to run wild with!
2. What is going on behind that curtain?! Why is Red M&M so happy that Yellow M&M is on his knees?

3. That is an acronym and not a call to action you creeps!

4. Bee-J's, not BJ's, you dirty minds!

5. What's going on here? Innocent friends hanging out, or something much more scandalous?
6. Now, you know that finger isn't pointing at her, but your mind is probably on her butt (in the gutter) isn't it?

7. Is that balloon getting busy with that other balloon?! No, and if you think so, you need to seek help.
8. What is that little baby hand holding?! That's pretty messed up if you don't see a finger.

9. What is that Cinnamon Toast Crunch licking off his fellow Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and why is the latter enjoying it so much?!
10. Alright pervs, we're done with you. If you think this anything other than Buzz giving Woody a ride (not a sexual one, at that) you're absolutely disturbed!
Do not show me this again