2 Men In Jetpacks Flew Over Dubai In Formation With A Jumbo Jet. It's Breathtaking
In line with everything you'd expect from the luxurious land of Dubai, these two thrill seekers just flew in formation: the world's largest passenger aircraft and two jetpack riders gliding through the skies. It's breathtaking to watch, on video and as we imagine as a passenger of the airliner, but can you even imagine how little breath the two men in jetpacks felt by the end of this?
Rossy explains the sensation of flying next to such an insanely large aircraft with nothing standing between the two of them except the open air:
"We will be mosquitoes flying with an eagle, or a condor."

Well done, to all the pilots involved. Maybe we're looking at the future of aviation? Who knows, but it's not surprising something like this first surfaced out of Dubai.