The Daily Life Of A Retail Worker: A Horror Story Told In 21 Extremely Accurate Pictures
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Their jobs are hard enough without you making it worse.
1. Just...look for someone else

2. You can find your size yourself then...

3. Do. Not. Touch. My. Display.

I got here at 4:00 AM to put it together.
4. If our music is off and our folding carts our out, don't come in!

5. WHY???

6. Just hand me your money, please.

7. EW. EW. EW.

8. I'm sorry about your divorce. Enjoy the overpriced scarf.

9. Just. Stop. Talking.

10. Get away from me!

11. too

12. I'm embarrassed for you

Thank God for the ability to suspend a transaction.
13. Take several seats...outside the store.

14. And then you want to be surprised by the total at the end.

15. They don't pay me enough to listen to your dad jokes.

16. I'm happy to get the manager for you.

17. Except it smells like B.O. masked with a spritz or two of perfume.

18. Seriously...

Actually, I don't. Sorry.
19. If I tell you it's not in the back, it's because it's not in the back.

Trust me, I spend enough time hiding back there to know.
20. Say it. I dare you.

See ya never!
21. "I have this coupon. It's red with white letters..."

Do not show me this again