If You Believe Working Out on the Reg Earns You All Tof the Junk Food, This is For You
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Sure, they say diet is the most important part of an effective fitness routine. But diet is also the extremely delicious part of the equation that makes working out worth it in the first place.

1. You feel the need to carbo-load. Before every run.

And after, to be honest.
2. Workouts make you extremely hungry.

3. And hey, you just got a solid hour of exercise, you deserve a treat!

Or six.
4. You feel guilty halfway through said treat because you know it just negated your whole workout.

But you can't let it go to waste...
5. And though you may try a diet for a while, when you fail, you fail hard.

Like eating an entire pizza kind of hard.
6. The junk you eat often makes your workouts themselves suffer because you basically just pumped yourself with sugar and carbs.

7. Stretchy workout clothes are basically asking you to stuff yourself with a ginormous food baby.

8. Justifying your food choices is your only motivation to exercise anyway.

So you're stuck in a perpetual cycle of rewarding yourself with junk and then working it off in order to eat more.

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