16 Products You Don't Really Need But You'll Desperately Want
Got some extra money laying around that you're just dying to throw away? Have a friend that you need to buy a gift for, but you secretly hate him/her? Check out this great list for some fun ideas!

At only $4.00, you'd honestly be a fool not to throw your money at this.

$24.99. Perfect for the nerd in you. Just take all that money that you're not using to go on dates and buy.

Because everyone will think you're really "unique" and "nerdy" for being so into Star Wars. You want everyone to think you're unique don't you? Then do what everyone else is doing and show your Star Wars fandom.

Just shut up and shell out the $5,500 for this completely necessary gift.

For all of you who are desperately clinging to childhood. $79.97 on Etsy.

Only $999.95. Shh, just buy it.

Repulsive. Must buy. $16.99.

Looking to fill that terrible pit of loneliness that consumes your life? Look no further than Hugvie. Only $136.00.

It's EUR 13,90. I'm too lazy to figure out the exchange rate. If you eat enough nutella to need a padlock, you probably are too. Whatever. Don't think. Just buy, you lazy fuck.

You gotta assume that if you can write on it, it can't be that soft. Who cares. It's fun. And when you're done with it, you can flush it down the toilet like you did with your $14.99.

This one's actually pretty cool, and 3D-printable. Check it out.

Why? Don't ask questions, just give them your money. $77.

For when you want to be the creepiest guy at the party. Only $69.95.

Let you cat feel like it's a busy business cat doing business. $35.00 from uncommon goods.

$8.00. Buy it now.

Chomp down on your own visage for only $69.95.