If You Don't Understand Bisexuality, Tumblr Offers 20 Perfect Ways To Think About It
by N/A, 9 years ago |
2 min read
Tumblr users always say the right thing.
1. The perfect way to identify
2. You'd hate to get caught experimenting
3. The perfect response to those who accuse you of picking a side.
4. This perfect response
5. In case you still don't get it...
6. It does have its advantages.
7. And this disappointing reality
8. Taking the "greedy bisexual" stereotype to task.
9. This bisexual uniform
10. One of them being all of the biphobia puns!
11. What about this is so difficult to understand?
12. This metaphor should help clear things up
13. Tackling the issue of bi representation in the media.
14. This spot on description
15. A reminder, no matter where you are on the spectrum
16. The struggle of bi visibility
17. Where is the lie?
18. What's really confusing about being bi.
19. The struggle of being surrounded by beautiful humans
20. When new friends are scared that you're interested in them.
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