12 Things Even the Biggest Fans Didn't Know About Charlie's Angels
Here's what you need to know about this powerful trio.

It's been reported that Elizabeth Banks is interested in directing the reboot.

$20,000 was allotted for every episode just for wardrobe.

Gig Young was hired by Aaron Spelling for the voiceover role, but he showed up drunk to record his lines and was fired.

Farrah Fawcett married actor Lee Majors before she got the role on Charlie's Angels and insisted that her contract state that she would be finished shooting in time to get home and make dinner for her husband.

The series was called Toni’s Boys, but it wasn't successful.

ABC Network execs Barry Diller and Michael Eisner thought the idea for a female-led, hour long action series would never work.

Farrah Fawcett left the show due to troubles in her marriage and a desire to pursue film work. The network was aware of this and had a verbal agreement with her, but sued her anyway.

Kate Jackson had to pass up a role in a Dustin Hoffman movie because of her Angel's shooting schedule. She was later fired from the show because how much her attitude changed when she lost the film role.

The show was actually going to be called The Alley Cats. One of the lead actresses suggested it be named after their mysterious benefactor, Harry’s Angels, but show creators worried people would confuse it with another show at the time, Harry-O.

The Angels guest starred in an episode of The Love Boat where they were called in to investigate $5 million stash of gold and bronze.

The iconic image was shot during a publicity photo shoot during the filming of the pilot episode. It sold 12 million copies before the show even aired.

Producers always considered a face-to-face meeting between Charlie and the girls, but could never be persuaded.