Be Bold, Be Confident...Dye Your Hair. Women Who Do Are More Confident And Better In Bed
Live fast, die young, dyed-haired girls do it well.

Change is terrifying. In fact, some people are so afraid of change, they just avoid it altogether... and how can you grow if you don't change?
Us ladies who dye our hair not only aren't afraid of change, but we fucking embrace it. If we don't like something as much as we hoped, then we learn our lesson and move on.
A study done by experts in 2008 at Nottingham Trent University in the U.K. found that women felt more sexually exciting and attractive after dying their hair. Almost half of the women agreed that they would ask someone out, initiate sex with their significant other, or experiment with something new romantically after dying their hair.
It makes sense, too. There's no better feeling than that boost of confidence you get after dying your hair. You know you look good, so you own it. When we feel good about ourselves and are more confident all around, obvi our bedroom life will be much hotter.
The same study revealed that women at work felt more confidence in expressing their opinions, making requests and asking for a raise or promotion after dying their hair. The women in the study were also found to be more direct to their romantic partners, family members and friends.
We march to the beat of our own drum. If lilac isn't our color, we'll switch to something else! We're willing to try it all, and when we do, it significantly affects our mood and overall well-being.
“These findings are really interesting, and show that the effects of hair dying among women can be quite significant," Lead researcher, Dr Mark Sergeant, from Nottingham Trent University’s School of Social Sciences, said. "Not only were confidence and mood levels elevated, but inhibitions seemed to be mitigated too.”