Shopping Online When Drunk is Usually Not Smart, But This Guy's Purchase Changed His Life
Being drunk makes us do a lot of unwise things that we end up regretting. Naturally. And more often than not, they're things we would never even imagine doing sober.
But occasionally, there's a drunken decision we make that ends up leading to something unexpectedly awesome. Such is the case when 22-year-old Jamie Ather went out partying in his hometown of Glasgow, Scotland, and woke up with a plane ticket to Rio De Janeiro.

“Back in August, I woke up on a Sunday morning after a Saturday night clubbing and had an email from a flight company," he told the Daily Mail.

Immediately, Ather tried to opt out of the ticket, but the airline refused to give him his money back as, sadly, they didn't have a drunkenness forgiveness policy.

“It was just an odd little place run by an old Brazilian woman in the middle of nowhere. I ended up staying for a couple of days and helping out with the sloths that had been rescued from poachers.”

Ather, who admitted that the idea of intercontinental travel normally makes him nervous, said that aside from being incredibly fun and memorable, the trip empowered him to break out of his shell and gave him the confidence to try an array of new things.