A Study Discovered That The Contents Of Hot Dogs Are Even More Disgusting Than You Think
There's long been a stigma about what exactly it is in your hot dog. It's essentially just a bunch of meat waste product from some meat factory somewhere wrapped up, encased and sent out to consumers in vacuum sealed bags, right? Well, sadly, that's pretty much 100% true, yet that never stopped you from eating hot dogs before, has it? Nope.
It gets worse than that though: a recent report by Clear Food shows that hot dogs also contain human DNA. So, will this finally stop you from eating hot dogs?
That's only the beginning, because hot dogs get even sketchier as we dig deeper into the data.
They've been sinning and they didn't even know it!
This may be the least tragic considering a whopping 1/3 of vegetarians are liars that actually do eat meat and never tell anyone. Still though, that's not for the hot dog companies to decide! Anyway, it gets even nastier than this, especially for vegetarians.
There's no details on where the DNA comes from, but that's not really the point. The point is there's evidence of human DNA in hot dogs and we're all still eating them.
What do you think? Still going to eat hot dogs? At least you know the places and brands that are a safe bet now.
But, we don't think their warning or all this scientific evidence will slow down your hot dog consumption. You'll probably go right back to it when summer barbecue season rolls around. Hopefully, you'll prove us wrong.