Samsung Has Developed A Genius Way To Make Semi-Trucks Safer For The Highway
In Argentina, a person dies in a traffic accident every hour. That statistic is shocking and horrific. But, transportation in any big city environment has just as much risk involved when entering the road ways. Multiple (i.e. four or more) lanes of traffic. Semi-trucks clogging up your view. People weaving in and out of traffic while breaking speed limits.
These are all factors that make driving dangerous, so Samsung has found a new way to ensure the safety of drivers on the road.

Stuck behind a truck that you can't see around. You want to pass, but it's too dangerous. What can you do?

Because not only can you not see around them, the blinding lights of cars coming towards you makes it even more dangerous. There's got to be a solution to this problem.

How so?

Then asks, "What do you think about it?"
This could be what makes driving on the highway safer for everyone in the future.