Here's The Not-So-Glamorous Reason Why Scientists Made Swimwear For These Turtles
The turtles are now swimming in style.

They're doing so by studying their poop. While that may not be entirely glamorous or exciting, the scientists from the University of Queensland are doing this by creating some adorable little outfits for the loggerheads. In order to collect the samples, they've made them little swimsuits.Â

They're threatened by hunters who use their meat and eggs, plastics pollution, habitat destruction, artificial lighting on beaches and fishing nets.

The study proved to be difficult at first, because they were using a flexible funnel on the turtles shells, which wasn't super efficient when it came to collecting a sample. PhD student Owen Coffee went to a thrift store and picked up some old t-shirts and was able to cut them up and fashion these little outfits for the turtles.Â