17 Comics That Show How Hilarious Animals Would Be If They Acted Like Humans
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
If animals were people they would be just like us...but way, way funnier.
1. Artist and creator of the webcomic "Poorly Drawn Lines," Reza Farazmand, thinks that us and animals have a lot in common...


3. Actually, he doesn't really, but his comics sure make it seem like we do.


5. What he really believes, is that if we gave animals human-like abilities, they'd be a lot funnier.


7. And he's pretty damn right.


9. By personifying animals, Farazmand makes random, inane interactions comedic...


11. No, scratch that. He makes them hilarious.


13. If only animals could talk...


15. The world would be a hell of a lot funnier of a place.


17. Fortunately, we have Farazmand's comics to at least give us a taste.

To see more of his hilarious "Poorly Drawn Lines" comics, check out his site.
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