16 Food Names That You Need Help Pronouncing And You Didn't Even Know It
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
You've been saying these names all wrong.
1. Tzatsiki

Pronounced "zat-zee-key."
2. Cognac

Pronounced "kohn-yac."
3. Beignets

Pronounced "ben-yay."
4. Bruschetta

Pronounced "bru-sketta."
5. Acai

Pronounced "a-sa-i."
6. Filet Mignon

Pronounced "fi-ley-min-yon."
7. Espresso

Pronounced "ess-pre-soh."
8. Sorbet

Pronounced "sawr-bey."
9. Quesadilla

Pronounced "kay-suh-dee-uh."
10. Foie Gras

Pronounced "fwah grah."
11. Quinoa

Pronounced "kween-wah."
12. Provolone

Pronounced "pro-vo-lone."
13. Hors D'oeuvre

Pronounced "awr-durv."
14. Bolognese

Pronounced "bol-nuh-neez."
15. Gnocchi

Pronounced "noh-kee."
16. Edamame

Pronounced "ed-a-ma-may."
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