18 Cheesy Meals That Will Make Your Liquid Gold Heart Skip A Beat
Because you NEED cheese in your life.

It all blends together into cheesy deliciousness goodness.

The more you add, the better. Get this recipe here.

Enjoy the melted goodness when you pull these babies apart.Â

These 100-calorie cheese, vegetable and egg muffins are heaven.

I know, you're probably thinking, "what?" But mixing cheddar cheese into pie crust gives it a salty and sweet taste, which is absolutely mouthwatering. Get the full recipe here!


Did you know that cheese makes a kickass seasoning? Sprinkle cheddar or asiago cheese over broccoli, pop it in the oven and roast that baby. It's delish.

Peppers + cream cheese = a wonderful combination you never thought possible.Â

Because there's NOTHING better than cheesy bread. Get the recipe here.

Yes for real. This tater tot beer cheese and chives soup is heaven.Â

Give your taste buds some loving with this apples and oats recipe that is on a bed full of brie.Â

Everything tastes good fried, but fried cheese is a magical experience. Try frying goat cheese and dipping it in honey!

Trust me, there's nothing likes layers of cheese between french toast and apples.Â

The more the merrier. Get the recipe here.

Rules: must put on everything. Recipe here.

Fact: Zucchini and parmesan cheese go amazing together, and it's not only delicious but also very nutritious. Here's how to do it right.

You won't be sorry. Get the recipe for BBQ chicken nachos here.